Life on Campus


life-campus1Clubbing at IHM Hajipur: The students run three different clubs which are extra-curricular activity clubs packed with events throughout the year. The clubs has port folios hold by the students’ representatives guided by the faculties at every step. All students are encouraged to join and participate in any of their chosen clubs and plan out their own events outside the regular class routine.

The Hawks : life-campus2The sports club organizes the Annual Sports Day and regular sporting events for all in the institute and even in the hostel. There are both indoor and outdoor games like volley ball, badminton, carom, chess which take away a lot of stress from the busy class schedules.

Hangouts : The cuhangoutltural club of IHM Hajipur for those with a flair for singing, dancing, acting and all sorts of art which brings out the hidden talent embedded in our students.

The Helping Hands : The unique club which promotes social community initiative amongst the youth. From blood donation clamp, dental check up, gifting the students of an interior village school, there is always an initiative in choosing the right path of being a humane.

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